Working in a beauty salon, aesthetic clinic or spa and wellness centre, you’d be familiar with the nightmare that is seasonality. These businesses experience high and low periods, and peak seasons can be nothing short of frantic, especially around the holidays.

Whenever your high periods are, it’s essential to prepare for the upsurge in customers. A cardinal rule for beauty salon owners and managers is to ensure customer experience does not take a dive.

Many businesses lose loyal customers during peak seasons because they fail to deliver the same experience as during slow seasons. Thus, what you do ahead of such times will impact your business tremendously.

Here, we offer you some tips on how to ready yourself for the busy weeks to come!

Providing new customers with a discount on their first appointment.

Attract Clients with Intro Offers

In the hush before the storm, you can take the opportunity to expand your client base. Merely promoting your business via social media might not be enough. If your posts aren’t enticing, it’s down the newsfeed they go.

Instead, you can focus on attracting clients with an intro offer, i.e. providing new customers with a discount on their first appointment.

Equipping your salon with a mobile app to help simplify the contact process. Your clients would be able to book, pay, and set reminders for appointments digitally without waiting time.

Equip Your Beauty Salon with a Branded Mobile App

It should not come as news that customers prefer to do business with those who make the process trouble-free. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case during peak seasons.

As stated, customer service tends to decline as staff members become overwhelmed with the record-high influx of clients. Customers are bound to get angry and search for alternatives when their calls aren’t answered.

To avoid this, you can consider equipping your salon with a mobile app to help simplify the contact process. Your clients would be able to book, pay, and set reminders for appointments digitally without waiting time.

Inentivising new customers to come back.

Retain New Customers

You should always consider incentivising new customers to come back, even before the peak period hits. After all, having returning clients during low periods would only benefit your salon and business success.

Beauty salon owners can accomplish this by offering tempting rewards, such as loyalty points, package redemptions and more.

 Utilise a full-featured and convenient scheduling system to manage your appointments effectively.

Optimise Your Beauty Salon Online Scheduling

Understandably, schedules can get disorganised when staff are already in a frenzy. Be sure to utilise a full-featured and convenient scheduling system to manage your appointments effectively.

Aoikumo’s POS & Scheduling System allows you to allocate distinct colours for daily appointments. With an overall view of your beauticians and room availability, you can easily manage your appointments without overbooking.

Customers’ data, transactions and appointments will be live, alongside automated reminders on their smartphones, so they never miss appointments.

Convert to Aoikumo’s System

Our all-in-one POS & Scheduling System is perfectly designed for the beauty and aesthetic industry to achieve all of the above. Once you’ve converted to our navigable module, rest assured it will keep your clients and staff alike happy.

More importantly, your business can run smoothly even during the busiest of times. Your customers’ data, transactions and appointments will be live, alongside automated reminders on their smartphones, so they never miss appointments.

Learn more about Aoikumo’s digital solution for beauty and wellness and get your salon or clinic ready now!

For businesses everywhere, the transition to a paperless practice has already begun. Generally, a paperless system refers to the process of transferring and replacing your documents, records and files into a digital format. However, it’s more than just digitising documents; it’s changing the way your company works.

Aesthetic clinics and beauty salons know that prioritising customers is key. A great customer experience relies on smooth operations, efficient record-keeping and quality services. The move to a paperless practice is definitely worth the effort, but how exactly does this strategy benefit your business?

Advantages of a Paperless Clinic or Beauty Salon

You can’t put a price on the value of efficiency in a competitive market. That is why companies are embracing the transformation towards a digitalised establishment. For a better understanding between a paperless practice and a traditional one, we only need to look at several standard procedures.

With a digital system, you can easily view the available slots and check bookings with just a few clicks.

1. Seamless Scheduling Experience

The first interaction a potential client makes with you is during bookings. By calling to make an appointment, clients place their trust in you that a slot will be available at the agreed time. However, every time a staff scribbles down booking details on paper, they subject the company to the inevitable – human error.

Anything from misheard contact information to missing details can ruin the prized chance for a good first impression. Not to mention the dreaded cases of double booking! With a digital system, you can easily view the available slots and check bookings with just a few clicks.

Customers and employees alike will be happier to see you taking part in greener initiatives and reducing your company’s carbon footprint

2. Paperless Practice, Easily Go Green

Migrating to a paperless system means that everything you need is in your hands. And when you think of ‘paperless’, that literally means no more papers, pens, printers, ink and more! The change to a more sustainable company is just that easy.

Customers and employees alike will be happier to see you taking part in greener initiatives and reducing your company’s carbon footprint. Now that you no longer need to print and copy documents, you can save your expenses and focus more on improving your services and facilities.

A digital software can take over most of the admin duties such as filing, sorting and updating patient info.

3. More Time for Clients and Patients

Apart from receipts, aesthetic clinics have other documents like patient consent forms and treatment records to deal with. A digital software can take over most of the admin duties such as filing, sorting and updating patient info.

Additionally, you clear up storage space and reduce office clutter with digital management of your documents. The automated records help you save time when onboarding new patients as well as retrieving existing client information.

Paperless software could allow clinicians to capture patients’ treatment photos.

4. Easier and Efficient Consultations

A practical advantage of going paperless is that all consultation notes can be made digitally. Not only is it easy to make amendments to notes, but a paperless software could allow clinicians to capture patients’ treatment photos.

With everything from digital consultation notes to anatomy templates and photo comparisons available on one device, clinicians can track treatment progress with ease. And because they’re not physical files, care providers can easily access multiple client records and move from customer to customer with all the data on a single device.  

Owners can keep track of everything from inventory to staff and sales, all at their fingertips!

5. Effective Business Management

How can you grow if you don’t have an accurate picture of how your business is doing? It can be difficult to analyse, especially when you’re bogged down by day-to-day operations.

Digital systems generate key insights and reports automatically. While conventional documentation requires you to manually count, compile and update records, a paperless system does it for you. Owners can keep track of everything from inventory to staff and sales, all at their fingertips!

Aoikumo is a revolutionary all-in-one, cloud-based POS and scheduling system designed for aesthetic clinics and beauty centres.

How To Migrate Toward a Paperless Practice

Paperless systems help your beauty brand excel at what you do best. While you keep your customers happy, a paperless system keeps your business running smoothly and efficiently. Aoikumo is a revolutionary all-in-one, cloud-based POS and scheduling system designed for aesthetic clinics and beauty centres.

Discover how Aoikumo can be your solution to a paperless practice. Browse our website or contact us to schedule your free Aoikumo demo.

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